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LMU Law Tuition & Cost of Attendance

接受法律教育是对自己的一种投资. LMU法学院致力于确保费用负担得起,并与教师质量相称, technology, and facilities.

LMU Law将学费等直接费用直接支付给每个学生. Students will also incur indirect costs, which include books, supplies, housing, parking, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses. 第一组表格分别列出了直接成本和间接成本. 下一组表格提供了每个程序的所有成本的总和.

大量的优秀奖学金可以提供,并将记入学费. All other aid including federal, state, 外部奖学金将首先记入学生的账户,上述奖学金将从学生的机构资助资格中扣除. No cash refunds will be made.


Direct & Indirect Costs

Direct Costs:费用直接支付给LMU邓肯法学院

  • Tuition: $1,420 Per Credit Hour
  • Comprehensive Fee: $320 Annually
  • Health Insurance Fee: $3,143每年(费用可每年减免,但覆盖范围相当,并在适用截止日期前提交批准的减免)
  • 毕业费:250美元(在学生毕业的那个学期一次性收费)
  • Parking Fee: $800 Annually (if Applicable)
Indirect Costs:费用不直接支付给LMU邓肯法学院
  • 书籍、课程材料、用品和设备*:每学分75美元
  • Transportation:
    - FT Program: $2,550 Per Semester
    - PTH Program: $1,500 Fall and Spring Semesters; $1,000 Summer Semester
  • 生活费用-食物和住房(根据田纳西州诺克斯维尔的生活费用估算):
    - FT Program: $7,500 Per Semester
    - PTH Program: $7,500 Fall and Spring Semesters; $5,000 Summer Semester
  • Miscellaneous Personal Expenses:
    - FT Program: $800 Per Semester
    - PTH Program: $800 Fall and Spring Semesters; $530 Summer Semester
  • Federal Student Loan Fees:
    - FT Program: $1,000 Per Semester
    - PTH Program: $900 Fall and Spring Semesters; $500 Summer Semester