
Master of Veterinary Clinical Care

Following your undergraduate work in the realm of veterinary medicine, 澳门威尼斯人赌城兽医临床护理硕士(MVCC)学位课程,为您的职业生涯迈出下一步! Our program is 100% online, asynchronous and flexible. That means you can earn your veterinary master's degree from home, on your time and at your convenience.

在该计划中实现全日制注册只需要每学期10个学分, which means you can complete your degree in just three semesters (30 total credit hours)! Once accepted into the program, 你可以选择兼职,每学期至少6个学分,你可以根据自己的个人情况选择全职和兼职.


我们的MVCC计划是全国第一个战略性设计,以帮助技术人员发展最初在AVMA cvtea认证计划中学到的进一步知识和技能. You will gradually build master-level expertise in patient case management, clinical and professional skills, and evidence-based medicine. 该计划的课程特点是由DVMs和兽医技术专家(VTS)指导的课程,明确地为您提供先进的批判性思维和临床推理技能. 

应用 to the MVCC Program!


LMU-CVM兽医临床护理硕士课程是全国第一个也是唯一一个专为有资格的兽医技术人员设计的硕士学位,旨在进一步发展在AVMA cvtea认证的技术人员课程中获得的技能和知识. LMU-CVM非常重视兽医保健团队中有资格的兽医技术人员. 我们有意策划了这个项目,以扩展你的知识和技能,超出目前的教育水平. 

在LMU, 我们设计了MVCC计划,专门为有兴趣进一步推进兽医技术事业的有资格的兽医技术人员. If you are interested in obtaining a DVM, review the Master of Science in Veterinary Biomedical Science (VBMS) program. 

MVCC作为一个精简的教育途径,通过半定制的课程,为有证书的兽医技术人员发展高级技能和知识. 我们的大部分课程将由来自NAVTA cvts认可的16所专业学院之一的兽医技术专家与LMU-CVM教师兽医一起团队授课. 我们独特的课程设计使您能够在兽医技术和护理方面发展高水平的技能, 最终弥合兽医技术人员和兽医之间的鸿沟,作为改进的手段:

*In order to customize the MVCC program to meet your own professional needs, you can select electives to complement your core coursework.

Admission Requirements

 请同时审查以下详细的其他要求,以确保您符合兽医临床护理硕士课程的资格. 要符合资格,您必须:

*If you live or work in Puerto Rico, 你必须从avma认证的兽医技术课程毕业.

**A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is recommended for your success in the MVCC program.


LMU的MVCC计划只接受那些在秋季学期开始该计划的申请. For consideration, you must submit your application between November 1 and June 21. If your application is completed and verified within that time frame, our admissions committee will review it in late June. We will notify you between late June and early July. 

To be considered for admission into the MVCC program, you must submit the following materials; all materials must be submitted through the PostbacCAS application:

Complete PostbacCAS Application

*如果您符合所有其他入学要求,但在不提供兽医证书的州工作, please contact CVMgradprograms@LMUnet.edu for program eligibility.

Your application will only be reviewed by our committee if it is completed and verified. 您有责任跟踪您的PostbacCAS申请状态,并确保所有申请材料在您期望的开始日期截止日期之前交付. If your application is incomplete or unverified, it will not be evaluated for admission. 

For your application to be considered complete, all letters of recommendation, 成绩单, and essays must be submitted through PostbacCAS. The Office of 研究生 Programs is NOT responsible for any 成绩单, letters or essays submitted outside of the PostbacCAS system. If you submit your materials outside of the PostbacCAS system, the evaluation of your application may be delayed or prevented.


澳门威尼斯人赌城兽医临床护理硕士(MVCC)学位课程的最终目标是通过研究生课程为您提供兽医技术的高级学术学习,为您的高级兽医护理职业做好准备. As one of our graduates, 你将有能力与不同的人群和社区一起工作,同时提供高度的兽医护理,并对不同的文化背景和病人主人的经历保持敏感. 

In its current state, the MVCC does not lead to additional licensure qualifications. 然而, 您将接受高水平的培训,以支持使用兽医专业人员的各种行业在这个前所未有的增长和需求在这些行业.

As a result of associate degrees, veterinary technicians are qualified to perform a number of duties within a clinical setting. MVCC课程将为您提供对这些职责的更专业的理解,并帮助您在当前的实践中进一步应用所学的专业知识. Within the MVCC program, 你将学习成为你所在领域的领导者,并支持在临床环境中更充分地利用技术技能.



寻找澳门威尼斯人赌城兽医临床护理硕士学位课程的更多信息? Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Department Director of 研究生 Programs, LMU-CVM
电子邮件: CVMGradPrograms@LMUnet.edu

梅丽莎·洛伊,LVT, LVT
Department Recruiter and Success Coordinator, LMU-CVM
电子邮件: CVMGradPrograms@LMUnet.edu

LMU is ready to assist you in your academic journey!