
Master of Science in Veterinary Biomedical Science

有兴趣建立一个照顾动物的职业,并了解使它们生存和繁荣的科学? Our Master of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences (VBMS) program is for you!

At 林肯纪念堂 University, 我们战略性地设计了我们的VBMS项目,通过研究生课程提供生命科学领域的高级学术学习, professional training and research. 我们的课程为您提供了与理查德A .兽医学院的一年级兽医博士(DVM)学生一起参加高级课程的机会. Gillespie College of Veterinary Medicine. 我们的其他高级课程将为您提供建立科学基础的机会, 加强你对复杂的生物学概念的熟悉,因为你的工作朝着职业生涯作为兽医或动物护理的其他领域.

我们的大多数学生在VBMS项目寻求继续兽医学校,但遇到了各种各样的障碍, 是社会性的吗?, educational or personal that prevent them from reaching their goal. 如果你正在攻读博士学位,但在你的高等教育经历中没有走过传统的道路, 我们是来帮忙的. 在LMU, 我们努力通过为您提供成功所需的福利来改善阿巴拉契亚地区学生和社区的生活.

通过在生命科学方面提供坚实的基础,并帮助您发展专业技能, the VBMS program helps you strengthen your application to veterinary school. 该计划不保证进入任何其他专业计划,在LMU或其他地方.

VBMS项目是一个全日制的,面对面的研究生项目,需要30个学分才能完成. 如果你保持平均学分负荷每学期15小时,并取得令人满意的学术进步, 你可以在两个学期内完成你的学位并开始你的兽医生涯.

应用 to the VBMS Program!

Admission Requirements

浏览下面的列表,以确保您符合进入VBMS学位课程的要求! As an applicant, you must have: 

而平均绩点(GPA)的最低建议为您实现一个成功的学术成果, they are not the sole determining factor of your academic potential. VBMS招生委员会将全面审查你的申请,如果你的GPA低于推荐值,最终会考虑任何科学课程成绩改善的证据. If you are interested in attending professional schools, 我们鼓励您考虑VBMS项目的30个学分将如何影响您的总体累积GPA.

*You may still apply with unfinished prerequisite coursework, 但是一旦课程完成,就需要将正式成绩单提交给CVM研究生项目办公室.


For admission into the Spring semester of our VBMS program, your application must be submitted between July 23 and October 16th. 我们的招生委员会将在10月下旬审查所有在该窗口内完成和验证的申请,并在11月初进行后续面试. We will notify you of our decision in mid-November. 申请秋季学期,你的申请必须在10月17日至3月29日之间提交. 我们的招生委员会将在4月初审查所有在该窗口内完成和验证的申请,并在4月初至4月中进行后续面试. We will notify you of our decision between late April and early May. 

Required Application Materials

你的信应该由你的导师要求(自然科学导师推荐), 熟悉你在兽医学领域经验的兽医, or a health professions advisory committee.

VBMS Admission Process

Complete the PostbacCAS Application




Post-面试 Decision

If you receive an "Accept" decision, 你还必须提供CVM研究生项目和/或LMU要求的任何进一步的文件.


At 林肯纪念堂 University, 我们的VBMS项目的目标是通过研究生课程为您提供高水平的生命科学学术内容, professional training, 研究的使命是为你提供选择所需的工具:

Upon completion of the VBMS degree program, 您将准备好把事情掌握在自己手中,并探索生命科学的主要文献领域, 分析和评论已发表的研究报告,并以正式的口头和书面形式就生命科学进行交流. 

You will be granted an interview with the LMU-CVM if you are able to:

This does not guarantee your admission into the program.

If you earn a grade of "B" or better in LMU-CVM professional courses, you will not have to repeat the course during your first year at LMU-CVM, 一旦接受了. Ultimately, this allows you to enter the LMU-CVM with up to 10 earned credits. During your first year in the CVM, you may apply to be considered as a Veterinary Teaching Assistant and Tutor. 


Want to learn more about our master's degree in veterinary biomedical science? Reach out to us at any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Director of 研究生 Programs
电子邮件: CVMGradPrograms@LMUnet.edu

Melissa Loy, LVMT, LVT
Department Recruiter and Success Coordinator
电子邮件: CVMGradPrograms@LMUnet.edu


LMU is ready to assist you in your academic journey!